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The Force Awakens

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:52 am
by Ardi41
Soooo I've just got out of the premiere. Anyone else seen it yet and wants to share his opinion?

I was very excited for this movie and had my midnightscreening tickets for about a month now. And altough my expectations were pretty high, it managed to exceed them.
It's hard to review it without giving any major plot points away so I'm not gonna get into too many details. One thing I can say though is that they really succeeded in making this as fucking nostalgic as it gets haha. The Han/Chewie/Leia stuff was brilliant aswell as all the little nods to the previous films (and I'm sure I didn't catch all of'em cause it's gotta be a multilayered movie since there's so much to absorb, I'm sure I'll notice way more cool stuff when I'm watching it a second or a third time, wich I will haha)
But not only the "old" stuff is great. The new cast is also magnificent and works just perfect.

10/10 - Definetly! Had goosebumps the entire movie...
Spoiler: show
Only thing I didn't like too much was Kylo Ren. He was kinda badass until he took his mask off and turned into a little bitch with daddy issues.

Re: The Force Awakens

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:33 pm
by DW_60
I saw the movie on Wednesday, I was like a kid and I did everything I could to avoid internet and its spoilers !
Honnestly, I went out of the theater quite shaken by what I had just seen ! This is a rare feeling to just see a movie that makes you travel, laugh and gives you the chills, etc... ! This movie is a pure jewel of the cinema ! It has directly entered my top 10 favorite movies. Well, some people might not understand but I still prefered Star Wars 3 which, back in the day, left me even more shaken up ! Seriously, a movie where the bad guys win is so uncommon.

Of course, the movie has some flaws. I won't spoil anything, I think it will be out tomorrow in your country but all I can say is that if you're a fan of the Star Wars universe, there's no reason you won't like it ! The movie lives up to its name and honestly, I didn't see Disney's mark, which reassured me. Rey's character definitely made an impact on me. This little one is perfect and by the way very beautiful. I had a big crush on BB-8 and was very surprised by the rendering of Kylo Ren who is much different from what I pictured. Go see it, it not every day you see a blockbuster as honest and beautiful as this one (and yet I'm a big Marvel, DC Comics and Harry Potter fan) but Star Wars guys, this is just unique !

I'd give it 9/10 because the perfect movie doesn't exist, even when you had one of the most exepensive marketing campaign in the history of cinema to support it. The only movie that in my opinion deserves 9,9/10 is Requiem for a Dream with Jared Leto who is my favorite actor.

Re: The Force Awakens

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:44 pm
by X^2
It was a-okay. better than the prequels for sure but didn't care for the plot.
Spoiler: show
can i say déjà-vu?
new actors were decent.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:13 pm
by Gregorovich
JJ ditched the David Lean and replaced it with... well... JJ. Still a good film though. Ren was easily one of the most subtle and nuanced while simultaneously terrifying figures the series has ever depicted - calling him a "little bitch" is a misunderstanding of the character.


Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:03 am
by Ardi41
Gregorovich wrote:Ren was easily one of the most subtle and nuanced while simultaneously terrifying figures the series has ever depicted - calling him a "little bitch" is a misunderstanding of the character.
To be fair, it just didn't click for me. I can see where you're coming from and all that, but I tried to avoid all spoilers so I didn't even look at the cast. that means it was a total suprise for me when he took off that mask. And I just didn't expect that badass looking and behaving character to be like ->that when he finally revealed himself. I didn't feel terrified at all, and not because I misunderstood his character, but because he just wasn't really scary and I couldn't take his actions seriously. I mean I'm gonna watch it again this week so maybe then I'll see it differently, but for now I just don't really understand why he's doing what he's doing. Sure he's been seduced by the dark side and that, but it seems that there was no apparent reason for him to do so, other than him being weak minded.

Re: The Force Awakens

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:19 pm
by X^2
Yeah I agree Ren was cool when
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he fucking raged with the lightsaber beating the shit out of those control panels, but then like.. ehh.. he just seems to have some daddy and anger management issues

Re: The Force Awakens

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:41 am
by Druska
I finally saw it.
I have to say I had lots of fun with this movie, also I want a BB-8 for christmas, such a cute thing
Spoiler: show
Kylo ren is still pretty green, i guess vader's shoes are way too big yet for his grandson.
Loved Rey, though she was a bit Mary Sueish sometimes, pretty sure she's luke's kid