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Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:04 am
i first found skumfuck from youtube search. I didnt really like it at first listen. It was the first new release that i was a fan for, Since i became a fan right after Underclass Hero- (which was the first Sum 41 i ever heard- got me into them) So skumfuck was exiting. As time went, the more i liked it. It was so different from anything i ever heard from them. Really caught me by suprise.

Then outta nowhere, found SBM on youtube search too. But that was freaking imediately. Literally the first vid of the song like an hour after it aired. First listen was me and my brother sitting, i remember bobbing my head vigorously. But, i didnt really like it much first listen. Just cause, it was different, unexpected. during the chorus i was like "When is he gonna take a breath?" But the song got AMAZING for my ears immediately. I had parts of the song stuck in my head the whole day of school, then when i got home sum 41 released the HD version. I fell in love. Posted an inacurate bass cover almost immediatetly.

Twas March 23'rd,....yes, i was on the hectic happy mess on TNS as SBM was slowly leaking. I decided to not listen to BIME leak, cause i figured to save it for the album. I listened to no previews, or streams. I downloaded the album on its full when it leaked. Put it on my device. Hardly slept at all that night.

It was March, the 24th. Early Morning. It was awsome to miss school to go to Florida, oh yea- AND HEAR SBM FOR THE FIRST TIME!! i was so exited! get on the plane, on the way to florida, put on SBM. Nearly pissed when i heard the Reason to Believe intro. I instanly fell in love with the album, especially Jessica Kill- (which is still my all-time favorite song) I was so satisfied an its all i listened to for a looong time. BIME kinda dissapointed me at first cause i expected it to be a ripper (from what i heard in the studio updates) but its more of a laid back half time thing. and now i LOVE that song. I love every song on the album. Its probably my favorite album.

Experiencing SBM....was amazing. Im so glad i got to experience this album- its def Sums best work. But i shed a small tear...cause i never lived to experience Chuck- oh if only i'd be a mess in my pants

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:04 am
(accidently double posted)

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:02 am
by Jeremy Kill
I actually miss all the waiting for new material. I hated and loved the anticipation. The release of Screaming Bloody Murder was best moment for me of that time. Just waiting and listening to the radio knowing we'd get to hear a new song. That song had a different feel back then than it does today. Back then it was just a song with no memories attached to it. These days that song reminds me of a lot of things, good and bad, as I have listened to it almost every day of my life since January.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:09 pm
by gejmik
I have to say the most special moment for me wasn't when SBM got into my hands.

There were 2 really awesome moments during waiting for the record.

1. I was on vacation at Slovenia. I was laying near the pool. I found out there was the internet connection, I went up to TNS and I saw there is a new song out! Skumfuk! I instantly started downloading, but internet connection was totally fucked there. I had to wait like 20 minutes.. 20 minutes just watching my phone and waiting for the first new song after Always. So exciting! Luckily I had my headphones with me, so I played it immediately. At first I was like - wtf! is this real? is this really Deryck's voice?! wow this is so new! Never heard anything like this from Sums before! It instantly became the song that I played the whole vacation. Now it still reminds me of it when I play it :glad:

2. Screaming Bloody Murder premier - first I've got to say - after many, many listenings I have to say, it's the most amazing song of the record. imo. I love it, chorus is the best I've heard in years. Anyway, it was at 3-4AM if I remember correctly at my country. I had to go to school next day. And there was the TNS chat in windows messenger, wow that was so awesome too! Hours of waiting and chating before it finally started and right after the intro I was so shocked! It was so quick, it sounded amazing, I loved it after the first listening (can't say the same about skumfuk, that song had to grew in me) when solo came on I was like yeah! FINALLY! at that moment I really didn't think I'm listening to the only solo of the record. But yeah after the listening I fell asleep happy as never. In the morning I just had to get it, download it and I was listening to it through the day.

When Blood In My Eyes leaked, I got home drunk and it was pretty damn hard for me to play it xD but as I can remember, I really liked it immediately too. Can't say for sure though, haha.
Than there was A Dark Road Out of Hell and when I heard Holy Image of Lies (I was at school by that time) I though this is fucking masterpiece.
I think I would have much better experience from the album if I heard just Skumfuk and SBM. It was a mistake that I heard to every leak. I think I would be stunned if I heard everything at once.

Wow this post is made from many thoughts which aren't fit together, tell me if someone is able to read through all of this and understand everything, haha :D.

Re: 6 months - already?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:05 am
by Jeremy Kill
Skumfuk (sans intro) reminds me of Summer and Screaming Bloody Murder reminds me of winter... also the possibility of getting killed in a sketchy motel.

The way Reason to Believe and new Skumfuk are essentially broken into two parts with Screaming Bloody Murder in the middle kind of makes those three songs feel like one song. I'm not sure if anyone feels the same way, but the slow parts of Reason to Believe and Skumfuk bookend the intro and outro of the title track. It flows pretty well.