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Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:04 pm
by Phili
Pull_The_Curtis wrote:Nah itll get bad reviews. Sum 41 always do, regardless of how good or bad an album is they still get poorley rated just mainly becuase of other bands they are compared to ie. pussies like simple plan so automatically they loose points, weras a band such as Chilli pepers or foo fighters get points for just being who they are. Teh critics will say every song sounds the same and its just an album from a washed up band that are giving a last ditch effort. but in my opinion its bullshit. i mean Chuck was amazing at only recieved 3 stars. Sum 41s style isnt very popular anymore becuase all the faggots are into emo and pussie music so they will lose points there. and most peoplle at Rolling stone ect are cunts.
What a negative outlook you've got.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:28 am
by Pull_The_Curtis
Wtf. you obviously didnt read it correctly. im saying they always get negative views (ie. they are underrated) just becuase of who they are compared too.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:29 am
by Pull_The_Curtis
and the "in my opinion its bullshit" i was reffering to the comments some websites have made.(ie. bad comments)

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:59 pm
I think the new CD will be a big sucess. Though there are things about it that will lower it's sucess. Like all the songs sound the same. I love it though. I think it will go platnum.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:13 pm
by budgie
well, in Q magazine, chuck got only 2 stars.
i think this will get the same - they are usually bias towards "that kind of music"

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:50 pm
Yea. Music with big hairy balls. :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:55 pm
by Phili
New prediction. Fan favourite. Critical flop. So-so commercial success. This review's from Chart, who usually LOVES Sum 41.

2.5 Cs

Sum 41 were flying high after the release of their 2004 album, Chuck. The hard-hitting sound they'd refined on that LP and 2002's Does This Look Infected? gave the band more leverage in the hard rock community, distancing themselves from the sugar-coated pop-punk they'd showcased on their first two LPs. With their fifth album, and first without guitarist Dave "Brownsound" Baksh, the remaining three Sums go for a far poppier sound than ever before. Produced by frontman Deryck Whibley, Underclass Hero rarely goes outside its pop confines, choosing big choruses and sing-along hooks over the riffage of their last two records. Devoid of Baksh's rock solid backbone, the songs flicker, but never fully ignite, and Mr. Avril Lavigne's lukewarm melodies aren't enough to keep the fire burning. He's as strong as he's ever been on the French-spoken, Queen-inspired "Ma Poubelle", and the title track has the same bouncy feeling that their earlier singles did, but he simply can't carry the record on his own. If this is a sign of softer outings to come, Sum fans should start worrying.

There's a nice big bright ad for the album at the front of the magazine, though.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:23 am
by Ken
The Chart Review is bullshit. He's not reviewing the album, but comparing it to Chuck. It's an unfair review, just because he likes harder music better, he's saying this album sucks.

And his says the song most criticized (Underclass Hero) and the joke song (Ma Poubelle) are the only good tracks.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:18 am
by Jeremy Kill
I just hope it doesn't become the next American Idiot.

I think this CD will commercially do better than Chuck. Critically, it will be so-so. Like, the lyrics are terrific, but the instruments have kind of devolved in a way. They used more acoustic guitar and piano... but the electric guitar seems kind of weak. I don't know about any awards... but if Underclass Hero turns into the new American Idiot, then I think we can expect a lot more awards.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:21 am
by Elise41
Sum 41 never won any outstanding awards expect at the Junos as the rock album of the year once and one for fav Canadian group at the MMVAs but I doubt that they'll ever get anything better than that.

The other thing that I should mention were the MTV awards where they were nominated for best new artist/group but I think like Eminem or someone like that won. Meh don't remember who.

I don't really like how he says that "Sum 41 fans should start worrying." Bullshit! Really this is all about personal taste because Sum 41 never likes to stick to the same sound for too long.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:30 pm
by n4txO!
I pledge alligance to the Underclass... and the band who's behind it

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:03 am
by Pull_The_Curtis
Its personal taste. ^^exactly to elise